Michigan Behavioral Health Mediation Services benefits participants through specialized conflict resolution

BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich. (March 8, 2022) — The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services awarded Oakland Mediation Center a grant to manage and administer a statewide mediation program, Michigan Behavioral Health Mediation Services. The program, which launched in September 2021, is underway for qualified Community Mental Health participants.

In partnership with Michigan Community Mediation Association, Oakland Mediation Center developed the brand-new program to ensure Community Mental Health clients have access to a neutral, independent mediation professional to resolve matters related to their services or service providers.

“We know that by offering this much-needed service, we will be helping community members statewide resolve matters through mediation,” said Charity Burke, Executive Director of Oakland Mediation Center. “Mediation through Michigan Behavioral Health Mediation Services is a free, conflict-resolution option that will save time, money, and stress for clients, Community Mental Health staff, and providers.”

Mediation is a structured process where an impartial, third-party assists disputing parties in resolving a conflict through specialized communication and negotiation techniques.

“The use of mediation has a proven record of successful outcomes in resolving disputes and allows the patient to be an active participant,” said Elizabeth Hertel, Director of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. “It is exciting that we are able to provide mediation services to resolve complex behavioral health treatment needs in a meaningful way by bringing all parties to the table.”

Qualified parties include Michigan residents who receive mental health services from a Community Mental Health provider or a Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan. Oakland Mediation Center connects residents with their local Community Dispute Resolution Program center that can help resolve the dispute for free.

To learn more about Michigan Behavioral Health Mediation Services, visit mibehavioralhealthmediationservices.com.

About Michigan Behavioral Health Mediation Services: Michigan Behavioral Health Mediation Services, in partnership with the Michigan Community Mediation Association, is a free conflict-resolution program that offers qualified participants an impartial way to resolve conflicts through mediation. Funded by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Oakland Mediation Center currently manages and administrates Michigan Behavioral Health Mediation Services. Visit us at www.mibehavioralhealthmediationservices.com.com.


Media Contact:
Gregg Voss | TSN Communications
224-542-9530 | gvoss@tsncommunications.com