Oakland Mediation Center, in partnership with Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and Michigan Community Mediation Association, has developed a much-needed mediation program. This program, called Michigan Behavioral Health Mediation Services (MBHMS), ensures Community Mental Health clients have access to a neutral, independent mediation professional to resolve matters related to their services or service providers.
If you aren’t familiar with mediation, it’s a structured process where an impartial third-party assists disputing parties in resolving a conflict through specialized communication and negotiation techniques. Mediation provides a safe space to share concerns, it’s an impartial process where parties have an equal voice, and it’s confidential.
Who can participate? Qualified parties include Michigan residents who receive services from Community Mental Health or a Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan.
MBHMS connects clients with their local Community Dispute Resolution Program mediation center that can help resolve the dispute for free. There are CDRP centers, including Oakland Mediation Center, across the state that are dedicated to resolving disputes and offer other services, including restorative justice processes, trainings, small group facilitation, coaching, and more.
By offering this program, MBHMS can help community members statewide to better resolve issues to avoid the court system. Services through this program are a no-cost, conflict-resolution option that will save time, money, and stress for Community Mental Health staff, providers, and clients.
Funded by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Oakland Mediation Center currently manages and administrates MBHMS, which launched in September 2021.
To request a mediation, please call 1-844-3-MEDIATE or email behavioralhealth@mediation-omc.org.